Science Daily 2013年1月27日:大多数罹患致心律失常性右心室心肌病(arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy, ARVD/C) 这一遗传性心脏病的患者,都是到20岁出头才知道他们的身体有问题。年龄较小时缺乏症状使得研究人员极难研究ARVD/C的发病机制以及开发治疗手段。2012年诺贝尔奖得主山中伸弥(Shinya Yamanaka)博士开发的一项以干细胞为基础的新技术,可帮助解决这一问题。利用这一技术,研究人员能够用患者自身的皮肤细胞生成心肌细胞。然而,这些新生心脏细胞大多是不成熟的,这不禁让研究人员提出质疑:是否能够利用这些细胞来模拟成年期发生的疾病呢?
在发表于1月27日《自然》(Nature)杂志上的一篇论文中,斯坦福-伯纳姆医学研究所(Sanford-Burnham)和约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员将第一个基于成熟的ARVD/C 的“培养皿中的疾病”(disease in a dish)模型公诸于世。这一模型是利用山中伸弥的技术生成,生成的细胞代谢更接近成人心脏,从而为模拟疾病细胞成熟提供了一种新方法。相比于其它模型,这一模型有可能与人类ARVD/C更相关,因而更适合用于对该疾病进行研究及检测新疗法。
“要证实培养皿中的疾病模型与成人发作性疾病具有临床相关性这点是相当困难的。但在这里我们取得了一个重要的发现——只有当我们诱导成人样代谢发生时,我们才能重现该疾病缺陷。这是一个重要的突破,因为ARVD/C症状通常要到成年早期才会出现;而且我们正在研究的干细胞在本质上是胚胎状态,”该研究的资深作者、斯坦福-伯纳姆医学研究所副教授Huei-Sheng Vincent Chen说。
为了建立这一模型,Chen与约翰霍普金斯大学的ARVD/C心脏病学专家Daniel Judge博士、Joseph Marine博士和Hugh Calkins展开了协作。 “目前还没有能够阻止ARVD/C疾病进程的治疗手段。有了这一新模型,我们期望能为这一危及生命的疾病开发出更好的治疗方法,” 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院遗传性心脏病中心的医学顾问Judge副教授说。
点评: 用Yamanaka的技术产生的患者特异性心肌细胞属于改造的新物种细胞,在此基础上建立的模型也与患者本身细胞特性不同,尽管研究小组利用几种鸡尾酒来诱导模型中的这种成体代谢转变,提供新的潜在药物靶点,其结果是否能够适用于人体仍是未知。
Studying arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia with patient-specific iPSCs
【Abstract】Cellular reprogramming of somatic cells to patient-specific induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) enables in vitro modelling of human genetic disorders for pathogenic investigations and therapeutic screens1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. However, using iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs) to model an adult-onset heart disease remains challenging owing to the uncertainty regarding the ability of relatively immature iPSC-CMs to fully recapitulate adult disease phenotypes. Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVD/C) is an inherited heart disease characterized by pathological fatty infiltration and cardiomyocyte loss predominantly in the right ventricle8, which is associated with life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Over 50% of affected individuals have desmosome gene mutations, most commonly in PKP2, encoding plakophilin-2 (ref. 9). The median age at presentation of ARVD/C is 26 years8. We used previously published methods1, 10 to generate iPSC lines from fibroblasts of two patients with ARVD/C and PKP2 mutations11, 12. Mutant PKP2 iPSC-CMs demonstrate abnormal plakoglobin nuclear translocation and decreased β-catenin activity13 in cardiogenic conditions; yet, these abnormal features are insufficient to reproduce the pathological phenotypes of ARVD/C in standard cardiogenic conditions. Here we show that induction of adult-like metabolic energetics from an embryonic/glycolytic state and abnormal peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR-γ) activation underlie the pathogenesis of ARVD/C. By co-activating normal PPAR-alpha-dependent metabolism and abnormal PPAR-γ pathway in beating embryoid bodies (EBs) with defined media, we established an efficient ARVD/C in vitro model within 2 months. This model manifests exaggerated lipogenesis and apoptosis in mutant PKP2 iPSC-CMs. iPSC-CMs with a homozygous PKP2 mutation also had calcium-handling deficits. Our study is the first to demonstrate that induction of adult-like metabolism has a critical role in establishing an adult-onset disease model using patient-specific iPSCs. Using this model, we revealed crucial pathogenic insights that metabolic derangement in adult-like metabolic milieu underlies ARVD/C pathologies, enabling us to propose novel disease-modifying therapeutic strategies.